Effective project management is an essential capability for continuous improvement. Today's rapidly changing businesses are almost constantly engaged in numerous development and improvement projects. Yet few organizations are adequately prepared to prioritize and manage these projects.
Conard Associates promotes a leading-edge approach to project management which incorporates proven methods from world-class process performance. We are particularly effective in the one dimension which is most commonly problematic -- creating a strong team commitment. Our approach may be used independently, or to complement methodologies such as Rational Unified ProcessTM.
Our project management training teaches the basics of project management, including scoping, planning, deliverables validation, estimating, scheduling, resourcing, milestone tracking and communications. Beyond basic project management skills, our unique Collaboration methodology will help you create, motivate and facilitate highly effective project teams. Because Excellence project teams emphasize cross-functional accountability toward a defined team charter, ownership of project deliverables becomes a facilitated team responsibility, rather than relying on a project manager. This eliminates the bottlenecks which often are created around project managers, and generates levels of commitment and alignment among team members which transcend functional interests.
April 13, 2008.
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