Performance Measurement

Performance measurement is fundamental to objectivity in problem-solving and decision-making.  It is the basis for empirical continuous improvement.  Most important, we have learned that objective feedback is an essential component of Applied Performance Science and is critical to the effort to reinforce discretionary effort.  But very few organizations have sufficient or effective performance measurement systems, either for process performance as a whole or for team and individual performance.

Conard Associates understands the complexities which challenge performance measurement efforts.  Our process design methodology specifically incorporates process control and process performance measurement, and our Performance System incorporates performance measurement for both team and individual performance.  

We help you avoid the two most critical traps when developing and implementing performance measurements:  1) the error of attempting to measure things which are not essential to managing the process, and 2) resistance to measurement from the performers in your organization.

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Revised: April 13, 2008.
Copyright © 2008 Conard Associates, Inc.