More than ever businesses today are critically dependent upon human behavior. Virtually every activity in every function is accomplished by human performers. Strategy development, planning, marketing, sales, manufacturing, operations, finance, technology -- all are achieved through the performance of people. And the magnitude of variance which can occur with human performance is astounding. People are not simply a minor equation in business planning - they can make or break the success of any business.
Managing human behavior may be the single most important skill which managers must possess in today's globally competitive environment. Achieving world-class performance without optimizing human performance is virtually impossible. Yet the vast majority of managers in organizations -- even today -- are scarcely prepared to manage human behavior in a scientific, systematic way. They are knowledgeable about their products, their markets -- perhaps even their basic business processes or their functional activities. And while some are certainly "people-oriented" and show good judgment in working with others, very, very few have been trained in the basic principles, concepts and skills of Behavior Management.
The principles and concepts of Behavior Management have been demonstrated effective through applied research over the past twenty years. Understanding and applying these skills is a basic prerequisite to almost everything else which happens in a business organization. Quality, productivity and customer satisfaction are all heavily dependent upon motivating the right behaviors. And whether the organizational culture is viewed as positive or negative may be most heavily influenced by the way in which managers, supervisors and team leaders manage and motivate behavior.
Conard Associates has nearly thirty years of experience conducting behavior analyses and introducing the principles and skills of Applied Behavior Management into organizations. We can help your leaders and performers understand the implications of this essential science and integrate it into the daily workings of your business.
April 13, 2008.
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